Signals and their properties
This experiment consists of following sub experiments whose procedures are given below:
Exp-1(a) Demo of simple signals
Exp-1(b) Even and Odd symmetry of signals
Exp-1(c) Signal matching using transformation
Exp-1(d) Various properties of Impulse signal
Exp-1(e) Deme of Complex exponential signal
For doing these experiments, go to simulator tab. Click on the appropriate experiment link which you want to perform.
Exp-1(a) Demo of simple signal
Select a signal from the selection menu.
Run the experiment by pressing the button.
Parameters such as amplitude and time-shifting can be vary through the appropriate knobs provided.
To stop the experiment press the "" button.
Exp-1(b) Even and Odd symmetry of signals
This experiment has two objectives which are arranged on two different pages accessible through the tabs.
To run each of these experiments, press "" button on the tool bar. For moving to the next page it is not necessary to press the "STOP" button. One can perform the experiment without pressing the "STOP" button. To stop the experiment and go to the next experiment press the "" button on the tool bar of the window.
The first experiment choose the left most tab named "Even/Odd parts". On this page, first select a signal from the selection menu. Press "
" button on the front panel. The even and odd parts of the choosen signal are shown in the waveform graphs(scope) on the right hand side of the page.
Different types of signals can be choosen from the selection menu and their even and odd parts will be shown similarly.
The second experiment is about the even/odd symmetry of signals with algebraic operation.
Select two signals from the two selection menus. Then select an binary algebraic operator (+/*).
The even and odd parts of the resulting signal are shown in the waveform graphs on the right hand side of the page.
To run the experiment press the "" button on the experiment page.
By default the second target in the selection menu is choosen.
The scope shows two signals one(in green colour) is the target signal and the other(in red colour) is the transformed signal which is to be matched to the given target signal using the appropriate values of different parameters.
Please do not use knobs for modifying the parameter values. As that will set the parameter values to small precision float numbers which will make the maching tedious. Instead use the up/down incrementer below the knobs for modifying the parameters.
When the match occurs it is indicated by the appearance of a pop up window informing about the same.
Select another example from the selection menu and perform the matching exercise.
Press the "" button to stop the experiment.
Exp-1(d) Various properties of Impulse signal
In this experiment there are three tabs which separately demonstrate the three different objectives of the experiment such as time-scaling/shifting of continuous-time impulse, the time-scaling/shifting of discrete-time impulse and the sampling property of the impulse signal.
To run the experiment press the" " button.
For modifying the time-scaling and time-shifting, press the up/down buttons.
In case of discrete-time impulse do not type the values directly in window which is showing the value for modification. Instead use the up/down buttons only for modifying the values.
After running the experiment you may switch to any tab. Once you have finish the visit through the experiment tabs, press "" button on the front panel to "stop" the program.
The parameters (amplitude, time-shift, time-scale) can be modified with help of appropriate knobs as marked.
Exp-1(e) Demo of Complex exponential signal
To run the animation press "" button on the toolbar of the experiment window.
Watch the top left hand side 3D graph showing the unit amplitude complex exponential signal of default frequency of 4 rad/s.
Simultaneously the bottom left 3D graph shows the same complex exponential signal in out-of-phase direction.
The signals generated by adding and substracting the two complex exponential signals rotating in opposite direction are shown in the top and the bottom 3D graphs on the right hand side.
To rerun the animation press again the "" button.
You can also vary the amplitude and frequency of either of the complex exponential signals, press again button for rerunning the demo.
To stop the experiment press the "" button.
The form of the signals shown in the right hand side 3D graphs are not always the real ones unless the selected frequencies are equal.